To Pay Down Debt, First You Have to Save
When you want to pay off debt fast, that impulse often means depleting your savings. So how do you pay off debt AND save money? Mathematically, based on the interest rates of your loans versus your savings account (or other savings products), your debt is likely costing you more money every month than your savings […]
How to Get a Great Price on Your Next Car
Are you thinking of buying a car, but want to make sure you get the best price? Here are a few tips to help you find the right car at the best price. Buy “off-season.” Peak demand for cars is in the spring and fall, but if you want to find a bargain, shop for […]
Elder Financial Exploitation
Advice for members to protect themselves and their loved ones over 65 from financial abuse. To con artists, down-on-their-luck relatives, or opportunistic acquaintances, they are gold mines. Individuals over the age of 50 control 70 percent of the country’s wealth, and seniors between the ages of 65 and 74, with an average net worth of […]
When Is Debt Consolidation Helpful?
If you’re struggling to pay off multiple debts every month, you may have considered a debt consolidation loan. But how do you know if a consolidation loan would be helpful for your situation? What is debt consolidation? Debt consolidation is a form of debt refinancing that allows you to combine multiple debts into one single […]
Train Your Kids to Save
Getting financially fit isn’t easy. But teach children how to save and they’ll have one of the most difficult aspects of finance mastered by the time they’re teens—being consistent savers. Here are a few ideas to help your kids get money fit: As your kids reach high-school age, clarify what you will pay for and […]
3 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Return
If you’re expecting a tax refund this year, it’s smart to have a plan for your money. Don’t end up spending your refund money like it’s a bonus check from the government—treat it like any other paycheck. Think about your financial situation and figure out the most beneficial way to use that money. Here are […]
4 Questions to Answer Before Buying a Home
If you’re making major life moves—getting married or having kids—and starting to get the homebuying itch, consider asking yourself these four questions. 1. How healthy is my credit score? A mortgage can be one of the biggest financial obligations you’ll ever take on. Don’t add to that burden by paying a high interest rate. It’s […]
Financial Warning Signs You Can’t Ignore
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could wave a magic wand and make money troubles just disappear? Regretfully, real life doesn’t work that way. However, we do have the power to take steps to correct it—and the first step is to recognize that there is a problem. For example, if you find yourself dealing with […]
Why Pay to Borrow Your Own Money?
Many people look at tax refund time as a second Christmas—the time when the government returns to you a chunk of money that had been withheld from your paycheck. Some people are so anxious to spend the money that they apply for a tax refund anticipation loan (RAL) so they can get the money as […]
Are You Spending Too Much on Groceries?
How many times have you checked out at the grocery and were surprised by the total? It’s easy to let our grocery bill get too big if we’re not careful. Yes, food prices have gone up for certain items lately, and we’re making more meals at home now than eating at restaurants, but there are […]
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